Ballerina Dream Program and all the incredible programs to make you progress from absolute beginner to actually expressing your emotions through ballet

Begin your ballet journey from your most comfortable studio in the world: YOUR HOME

Get everything you need to achieve your ballerina dream:

  • Introduction to Ballet for adults 
    Your very first steps                                      
  • Beginner Ballet Course
    From Ballet lover to actual dancing          
  • Adult Ballet Intensive Experience
    Express your emotions through dance  
  • Pre-Pointe Program
    Safely prepare to go on pointe                   
+ And level up with these power-up bonuses

  • Perfect form chart 
  • Fit & flexible plan
  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook
  • An awesome private community 
  • Love e-Letters to keep you on track

Begin your ballet journey from your most comfortable studio in the world: YOUR HOME

Get Me Access! 🤩
I want to start my Ballet Journey
+ And level up with these power-up bonuses

  • Perfect form chart 
  • Fit & flexible plan
  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook
  • An awesome private community 
  • Love e-Letters to keep you on track

Do you hear these sentences in your head right now?

“I’m out of shape, I cannot possibly start dancing now”

“I’m sure I need a lot of space and have to keep at it every day”

“I feel ridiculous for wanting to get back to ballet because I’m so inflexible”

“I’m not that young anymore, my dancing days are over”

If you believe that, don’t worry,




let's see where you are at


  • Thinking that you are too old to start a discipline like ballet
  • Not being good at picking up steps, you feel uncoordinated
  • Feeling under scrutiny from people around you because you are doing something out of the norm
  • Thinking you need the perfect body to start ballet
  • The boredom of the usual exercises and fitness classes
  • Pain when you try to stretch 
  • Sluggish muscles that make you feel self-aware
  • Fatigue finishing any exercise
  • Not being able to look in the mirror and say “I like myself”



1- Your posture, 2- your ability to plie, 3- Your leg extension above 90 degrees, 4- Achieve the full splits side and front, 5- Moving towards more advanced poses, 6- The ability to practice ballet effectively

Let’s fix all that once and for all.

Alessia Lugoboni dancing ballet in black leotard


The truth is that Ballet has been a discipline only destined for the “elite” since its origins. Only for people with the right genetics, young age and body shape.

But we live in the 21st century now and this dogma around Ballet is just unfair and nonsense!

Ballet is a discipline that needs to be shared, loved and enjoyed.

You deserve to experience


no matter your age,

body shape or fitness level.

After 20+ years

of career as a true Ballerina

on stages and theaters from all over the world, I decided to distil down all my knowledge and experience to give back to adults that ballerina childhood dream they've always had.

Eliminating altogether overwhelm and judgment.

Introducing the

The ultimate way to start

your new ballet journey,

embrace your inner ballerina

and let it free.

To finally feel tall, slim and graceful.

To learn how to embrace your beauty, inside and out. You are an artist, you are unique in your own way.

It’s time to acquire the tools to express yourself through dance, in a safe environment, to uncover the confident person you know you are.

Being at home and dancing with nobody watching is the best therapy to feel good and get healthier, while having the time of your life.

An experience designed for adults

Not only to teenagers trying

to make ballet their career

I’ve always been a bit rebellious, especially when I had to do things “the way they’ve always been done”.

I never really conformed with what the ballet world told me to be, and the politics within that world always gave me the Heebie-jeebies.

So I decided to create what wasn’t available to the world:


A ballet technique that can be learned in a safe environment not only by fear.


A new philosophy: If you have a body you can dance
(I never had the perfect ballet body: I have scoliosis, not hyperextended knees or arched feet).


A way to teach Ballet to any adult that wants to enjoy it at a later stage. Not only to teenagers trying to make ballet their career.


A therapeutic and different way to enjoy an elegant discipline that could work both for meditation and fitness purposes.


An up-to-date way of learning ballet that is not told by dinosaurs that are afraid to lose control. We are in the 21st century and as such the world has changed… art has to evolve with it, and so should Ballet.


All of this because the beauty of this art

is made by the individual,

not by unrealistic bodies and impossible standards

that the ballet society has decided to push

on women and men that want to dance.

Ballet should bring us together and understand each other's culture.

As an art, Ballet is about respect and moving forward, supporting each other and finding a space, online and in person,

where we can be ourselves and be surrounded by people that think alike.

Meet your teacher

Alessia Lugoboni

Alessia was born in Verona - Italy and loved dancing as a form of expression from an early age.

She has 20+ years of professional ballet experience from training at English National Ballet School and the New Zealand school of dance to her successful career as a ballerina for both The Royal New Zealand Ballet and New English Ballet theatre. She also performed in the West End in Cabaret the Musical with Will Young, Phantom of the Opera, and Most Incredible Thing by Petshop Boys at Sadler’s Wells.

But the world of ballet was not always kind. With so many people watching all the time, Alessia struggled with physical and emotional doubts. But overcoming these is what gave her the power to fully understand her own body. It also led her to create programs like this and bring the true joy of ballet to adult dancers at any level.

Alessia is now the co-founder of Lazy Dancer Tips and Lazy Dancer Studio, the most welcoming and inclusive ballet studio online.







~10.000 students

around the world

My Method is very simple

The main rule is

Dance first - Think later

The beauty of dancing is that we enjoy the music

and we let our bodies follow the rhythm.

When we stop worrying about how complicated the names of the steps are or how the foot needs to be pointed or the technique that every dancer needs to follow for decades before they are perfect, somehow we feel relieved and free.

This is exactly what I do with my students


Find the rhythm

of the music

so that the body

can follow.

There is something we learn as kids: rhythm.

Everything in nature has got a rhythm, from the twittering of birds, the waves of the ocean to the heartbeat inside your chest.

Try moving your body along, what happens?
Some movements are slow and sustained, some others are short, quick and light, others are grounded, heavy and determined.

This is how we learn to move our bodies.

By going back to what we were meant to do: move and feel the rhythm.



as much as



Back in my days we didn't have internet or youtube, with everything accessible or ballets accessible with every version of every ballet company available! Oh, no way! 

I used to copy movements from books, or videocassettes available at the record store

(and there were only a few available and yes I'm that old) which I bought with the money I saved. I used to copy and replicate, over and over and over again, I had no idea if the movements were right or not, but I would meticulously try to replicate them to the best of my ability and understanding.

One amazing thing happened, actually two...


as much as





I was learning steps from my bedroom without knowing their names, but in my own time, without pressure or judgment.


I loved it! And I danced roles that at my age and experience it wouldn't be possible… but hey, my bedroom stage gave me a lot of great satisfaction and confidence.


Natural movements

of the body

can easily translate

into ballet movements.

Considering I didn’t know the ballet names of the steps,

I always tried to find a way to explain what I was talking about:

  • Jumping over a puddle with one leg then the other, and the knees are bent: pas de chat (step of the cat)
  • Brushing the floor then kicking a long skirt in front: glisse
  • And if we kick it at the back as high as possible trying to touch our head?: grand battement derrière in attitude

I wanted people like you and me, pure at heart, to enjoy a dream that was in the drawer for too long.

I had the opportunity to fulfil that dream in big theatres around the world, coached by the most wonderful dancers in the world (including Darcey Bussell).

But what I didn’t like was the politics and the lack of beauty I once enjoyed in my bedroom, learning the most beautiful movements in the world.

I might have recreated this experience for my young me, but one thing is sure...


if you are here, I want you to join me for this magical experience.

To dance in a white tutu,

or under a huge Christmas tree

only for the joy of it.


Deep inside we are still those young girls in our bedroom playing dress-ups and dancing to the Tchaikovsky score.  

Ballerina Dream Program and all the incredible programs to make you progress from absolute beginner to actually expressing your emotions through dance
Get everything you need to achieve your ballerina dream:

  • Introduction to Ballet for adults 
    Your very first steps  
    [value $94]
  • Beginner Ballet Course
    From Ballet lover to actual dancing
    [value $27]
  • Adult Ballet Intensive Experience
    Express your emotions through dance
    [value $541]
  • Pre-Pointe Program
    Safely prepare to go on pointe 
    [value $97]
+ And level up with these power-up bonuses

  • Perfect form chart 
  • Fit & flexible plan
  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook
  • An awesome private community 
  • Love e-Letters to keep you on track

 Total value $759
Today’s Price $497

Get Me Access! 🤩
I want to start my Ballet Journey
+ And level up with these power-up bonuses

  • Perfect form chart 
  • Fit & flexible plan
  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook
  • An awesome private community 
  • Love e-Letters to keep you on track

But don’t take my word for it, see some results for yourself...

What you’ll find inside each program:

My method is very simple

As Adults, we have different ways of learning physical exercises,

and I want to prove to you that you are capable of learning steps, working towards your fitness and health, and dancing choreography in a very short time.  You don’t believe me?

Try these workshop days for yourself. You’ll be surprised at what you are actually capable of

if we take the “frenchiness” out of the ballet steps.

Recordings of online Adult Ballet Workshops, targeted for complete beginners


Day 1 |  

Learn To dance - Intro to ballet

Simple Barre and Centre Class to get you acquainted with the ballet world. 

Day 2 |  

Ballet Dance Workout to shape your Body

Let you express yourself while working to get stronger and fitter. Follow along the movements and shape your ballet muscles. 

Day 3 |  

Your Moment to Shine

Learn a simple Complete Beginners Choreography, to prove you can dance and that Ballet is not as scary as it looks.


Day 1 |  

Let's refresh the basics

The first steps we’ll take will be with simple combinations at the barre.

Day 2 |  

A classical choreography to empower you

Let’s learn how to let go of fear and express ourselves. Learn a simple classical ballet choreography and enjoy the dance.

It’s important for any discipline to know the right technique.

The beginner's ballet course

will break down every step for you

and give you a sense of accomplishment,

which is important to progress in your ballet journey.

It is structured as a 4-week program.

WEEK 1-2 | 

Ballet Kickstart

In the first two weeks, you’ll find an amazing new way to move your body purely for joy. You’ll be able to perform a full ballet class and learn the terminology of every basic step without feeling overwhelmed.   

WEEK 3 | 

Ballet Mind Opener

We open our minds to a new class and start exploring new combinations and steps, as well as musicality while making the concepts and pointers memorable. Once learned, you’ll always remember them, instead of constantly being confused about your form while dancing.

WEEK 4 | 

Ballet Confidence and Speed

We’ll solidify what’s been learned by mixing practices and start building upon growing confidence and a rediscovered strength in your body. Movements will become more clear and comfortable and you’ll finally see for yourself that, yes, you can dance.

My method is very simple

You’ll get access to the recordings of 3 entire Online Adult Ballet Intensives.

An incredible experience that will make you feel like a ballerina working at the theater.

Every Intensive is designed to tackle different aspects of your dancing, technique and performance. Followed by invaluable Q&As with Alessia, to have all her tips in your pocket!

Work on Steps â§« Musicality â§« Extension â§« Splits and Flexibility â§« Fitness barres â§« Contemporary Ballet â§« Port de bras and epaulement â§« Performance and Expression.

with workshops inspired by ballet shows like

Don Quixote, Giselle, Sleeping Beauty

and dancing to simple choreographies.



Adult Ballet


  • Basic technique, correct alignment and correct execution of the steps.
  • Musicality and how to give feelings to your movements.
  • Develop control and strength (Pre-Pointe/Pointe Stability).
  • The secrets of Port de bras and epaulement.
  • Master pirouettes balance and control.
  • Learn how to dance each exercise to your favourite composer.



Adult Ballet


  • Back to basics to solidify technique and alignment.
  • Full body conditioning to be ready to tackle any Ballet challenge.
  • Pushing the boundaries of Ballet to explore contemporary dancing techniques.
  • Your time to shine by performing an entire choreography.





  • Masterclass on technique, correct alignment and correct execution of the steps.
  • Ballet makes you strong. Strengthen and shape your ballerina's muscles.
  • Contemporary Ballet class to feel free and move in a completely different way.
  • Learn and perform a choreography. It’s showtime!

Targeted exercises to strengthen your body to work towards pointe work. An incredible series, perfect to implement into your ballet training,

to fulfil that dream of dancing on pointe, even from home.

Safety and strength first to then being able to enjoy your dream at its fullest. The combination of plyometric exercises makes this program

perfect to strengthen all of your muscles overall. 

Perfect for pointe, even for faster and higher jumps. It's an important preparation to be injury-free in the long run.

▫️Lower leg strengthening 

▫️Balance, Stability-Strength 

▫️Action and reaction of muscles

▫️Core and supporting leg stability

You’ll also get these power-up BONUSES

  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
    A printable guide to staying on track and understanding how to learn your ballet class and every step involved.
  • Private Community
    Find the motivation you need to push yourself every day in our supportive group of caring fellow dancers to cheer you on in your ballet journey.
  • Perfect Form Chart 
    Master basic ballet positions with ease by following the detailed instructions in this bonus and start dancing with total confidence.
  • Fit & Flexible Plan
    Expand your mobility and fluidity while you dance by finding more freedom in your movement with this extra 6-day intensive workout plan.
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook 
    A plan and a map are needed for any journey to go well. The handbook is exactly that. You’ll know what to practice and how every step of the way. 
  • Love e-Letters 
    Wait for my â€śLove e-Letters” to remind you how beautiful you are, along with tips and tricks to “hold your hand” in your ballet journey.

Hear it from my students!

I KNOW you can do this.
But the best part is... you don’t have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, the bonuses, and the community within 7 days, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.

That means you can enroll today without deciding if you’re in for good! You can take a full week to practice with the material and experience the joy of the "Ballerina Dream Program", and then choose for yourself if dancing is what you’ve really been missing.

xx Alessia Lugoboni

FAQ // Questions you may have...

Ballerina Dream Program and all the incredible programs to make you progress from absolute beginner to actually expressing your emotions through dance
Get everything you need to achieve your ballerina dream:

  • Introduction to Ballet for adults 
    Your very first steps  
    [value $94]
  • Beginner Ballet Course
    From Ballet lover to actual dancing
    [value $27]
  • Adult Ballet Intensive Experience
    Express your emotions through dance
    [value $541]
  • Pre-Pointe Program
    Safely prepare to go on pointe 
    [value $97]
+ And level up with these power-up bonuses

  • Perfect form chart 
  • Fit & flexible plan
  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook
  • An awesome private community 
  • Love e-Letters to keep you on track

 Total value $759
Today’s Price $497

Get Me Access! 🤩
I want to start my Ballet Journey
+ And level up with these power-up bonuses

  • Perfect form chart 
  • Fit & flexible plan
  • Beginners Ballet Course Daily Guide
  • Ballerina Dream Program Handbook
  • An awesome private community 
  • Love e-Letters to keep you on track