Kickstart Your
Ballet-Fitness Life
With Our Free 30-Day Workout Plan
With my free workout plan, you can ease into Ballet Fitness the Right Way and start working on your Ballet Body today.
You can do this at any age or fitness level and without joining a gym or ballet studio!
Every day is a good day to start, the important thing is taking Action.
Don’t wait until it’s January 1st to start feeling well, healthy and active,
Today is the day!
Hey! I'm Alessia,
Professional ballet dancer, Co-founder of the Lazy Dancer Tips and Lazy Dancer Studio
My free 30 day workout plan is going to help you to kick-start your Ballet fitness Life by easing into the basics and the best part is you can do this at any age or fitness level and in the comfort of your own home.
Click the button below to download your free plan!
This 30 Days Plan
Totally Free:
This is my gift to you, to take this opportunity to find yourself, your steps, that might have been lost in the overwhelm of chaotic life.
This is my gift to you to take time for yourself and love "you" like never before, to find balance in your body, mind and your heart. A Dance that will be unique to you.
“Kickstart your Ballet-Fitness Life” will be here, it won't disappear.
For All Levels:
It doesn’t matter if you have two left feet or you are a pro, This dance goes way deeper than our bodies and capabilities, this dance is for you to feel good, confident and look at yourself in the mirror with different and happy eyes. Just dance, life will take care of the test.
We'll hold you accountable: Sometimes will-power is not enough, in order to create New Habits, stick to them and really follow through, we need discipline and a little help from people That believe in us. This fabulous Facebook group will support you all the way, anytime, wherever you are. No judgment, No Negative Talks, only support and a love for Yourself, others and Dance. Keep This journey a positive one, hand in hand To grow stronger and confident.
Join me for 30 Days of Dance.
Sign up to Download the plan and
receive 1 motivational email each week.
You'll be invited to our accountability Facebook book group to connect and be supported throughout this journey.